Steve J, BWS wrote:
Keith (Southend) wrote:
. At least they do occasionally introduce isobars and fronts
for the dozen or so of us that they obviously think understand them!
Don't they realise they teach this stuff in Schools?
How many times do I have to defend geography teachers in this country?
As I have said on this forum so many times, yes we do teach synoptic
charts, pressure patters, fronts, isobars, even basic forecasting at
age eleven! By the time we reach the 6th form, we teach about general
circulation of the atmosphere, Rosby waves, climate change sice 1300ybp
and much more.
Why does society blame teachers for everything?
Steve Jackson
Bablake School
Hi Steve,
I was defending teachers, I know from my own teenagers that they teach a
lot more about the subject than I was taught 30 years ago, not sure
whether that came across in my comment :-)
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net