Weather in Norway
Tommy wrote:
Can anyone please give me any idea of what kind of weather I can expect in
Norway, I go there next weekend. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
It's cold and raining at the moment, is it going to improve?
Bergen, Sognefjord and Nordfjord are the areas to be visited.
Having been there a couple of times before at this time of year, I'd say
that the weather in the valleys will be warm (if it's not raining) and
the weather up the mountains will be cold.
Bergen is a very wet place, so don't be surprised if it rains while you
are there, however, I've been there several times and it's only rained once.
As an example, I first went exactly five years ago in 1999 and stayed at
Voss (which you might pass through). There it was 20°C and warm enough
to sit on the lakeshore in shorts and t-shirt. The next day we went on a
trip on the train to Oslo and passed through the Hardangervidda, which
was still rather cold and most of the lakes were still frozen.
So take all your clothes just in case! (The same applies as I'm planning
my trip to Canada this time next week.)
Have a nice time there - it's certainly a lovely country!