"Will Hand" wrote in message
It seems like the 564 DAM thickness line has been well north in Europe
(and the
Atlantic?) all month, can any of the "old lags" lurking here remember
year in when this happened?
..... Looking at the 'extremes'
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/booty.weather/tthkxtrm.htm )
in September, over this dataset then even at Oslo, the TTHK has been in
the upper 560's dam & over NW Germany into the low 570's, so probably
not 'extreme' in that sense, but getting into the second-half of
September, then it might be regarded as 'unusual'.
I haven't got any records of individual events etc., but in a series of
mean TTHK anomalies based on the 'Weather Log' (RMetS) and for a point
roughly within the CET domain, then in a dataset from 1971, the
following years have anomalies 3dam (on 1961-1990 avg):
1971 .. +4dam
1997 .. +3dam
1999 .. +3dam
2005 .. +4dam
1971 was followed by an October with an even greater +ve anomaly (+5);
1997 was followed by a string of notably above avg months, including
+9dam in Feb 1998; 1999 was followed by average or above average months
through the winter, with the anomalies for Jan, Feb & Mar 2000 +5, +3 &
+3 respectively; Last year, the September was followed by October with
+6dam & Jan +4dam. This last September was quite warm of course, with a
CET anomaly of +1.5degC; we're about that atm, according to Philip's
site. 1999 is another possibility looking at the weather type (and
thickness anomalies) of that September.