Fog and dewpoint
Martin Rowley wrote:
Your idea is a good one - how do we fit in with
ATC regulations if balloons are flying to 1000 ft or so? Round here
(Bracknell) we'd interfere with the helicopter traffic.
Radiosondes are not considered hazardous in the sense that no specific
data is given to aircrew as to the location during the ascent. I
narrowly avoided one over Belfast years ago, but I guess it wouldn't
have done much harm (to us) had we hit it.
Lightweight balloons on "strings" rather than WW2 type barrage balloons
probably wouldn't be any more of a hazard than are birds.
But no doubt some legal beagle would get his teeth into it and make a
fortune out of a non-existent hazard. It's not that I am cynical of