[Apologies to Phil, I initially sent this reply directly to him
instead of to the group]
Sorry, I seem to be missing something here.....
I live directly under the flight-path out of Manchester airport,
and see contrails of all shapes and sizes. What seems unusual
about these particular contrails to you both? There doesn't
appear to be anything unusual about them to me.
BTW, please disregard the email address in the headers of this
email, it is an address which has been addressing spam to my
personal email account, and I am hoping that they will receive
some of their own treatment!
Regards, Joe
"Phil Layton" wrote in message
Paul, Ive posted a similar image taken on the 19th Feb here at
Guildford on
the web page-
As Jack has mentioned, I'm afraid they are just ordinary
"Paul Appleby" paul@6amDOTcoDOTuk wrote in message
. ..
Now unless the government have been testing a new plane, I
guess that wind
might be to blame for this.
Taken 15/5/04 Washington, Tyne and Wear.