[OBS] Bracknell (Tawfield) Fri 22 Sep 2006
Friday, 22 September 2006
0900 SE F3 25km -RA 3/CU 6/SC 8/AC T163D153
RMK: 3Cu fra/hum (accompanied by ragged St fra)~012/015, 2Sc~030,
6Sc~060, 8Ac~090 (this latter thick, probably more complex than that,
and the 'precipitating' cloud deck). PPN began 0850Z, and as I type this
up at 0906Z, it's become rather more persistent.
screen min: 15.6 grass min: 14.9 precipitation: 4.2 [24hr total: 04.2
other data: single (distant) rumble of thunder 21/2020Z, as period of
mainly moderate rain set in, ceased by 2055Z: further steady rain
overnight, setting in just before midnight, ceased by 0530Z. ]=
1200 SE F2 8000 RA BR 2/ST 6/SC 8/NS T165D158
RMK: 2St fra~012, 6Sc~018, 8Ns~030. Moderate (short periods heavy)
rainfall continuous since 0905Z: PPN in those 3-odd hours 07.6 mm: a
thoroughly unpleasant morning, but excellent for the garden!=
1400 SSE F3 7000 RA BR 4/ST 7/SC 8/NS T163D157
RMK: [RE-TS, RE+RA] - 4St~008, 7Sc~015, 8NS~020. Rain past two hours
14.2mm, with 21.8mm in period since 09Z. Thunder was just a couple of
low-frequency rumbles during the heavy rain phase between 1245 & 1315Z.=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W