[OBS] Bracknell (Tawfield) Fri 22 Sep 2006
Friday, 22 September 2006
0900 SE F3 25km -RA 3/CU 6/SC 8/AC T163D153
RMK: 3Cu fra/hum (accompanied by ragged St fra)~012/015, 2Sc~030,
6Sc~060, 8Ac~090 (this latter thick, probably more complex than that,
and the 'precipitating' cloud deck). PPN began 0850Z, and as I type this
up at 0906Z, it's become rather more persistent.
screen min: 15.6 grass min: 14.9 precipitation: 4.2 [24hr total: 04.2
other data: single (distant) rumble of thunder 21/2020Z, as period of
mainly moderate rain set in, ceased by 2055Z: further steady rain
overnight, setting in just before midnight, ceased by 0530Z. ]=
1200 SE F2 8000 RA BR 2/ST 6/SC 8/NS T165D158
RMK: 2St fra~012, 6Sc~018, 8Ns~030. Moderate (short periods heavy)
rainfall continuous since 0905Z: PPN in those 3-odd hours 07.6 mm: a
thoroughly unpleasant morning, but excellent for the garden!=
1400 SSE F3 7000 RA BR 4/ST 7/SC 8/NS T163D157
RMK: [RE-TS, RE+RA] - 4St~008, 7Sc~015, 8NS~020. Rain past two hours
14.2mm, with 21.8mm in period since 09Z. Thunder was just a couple of
low-frequency rumbles during the heavy rain phase between 1245 & 1315Z.=
1500 SSW F2-3 35km - 1/CB T167D160
RMK: [RE-RA, PPN ceased 1435Z] - 1Cb cap (retreating to NNE)~020, 2Cu
fra/hum~022, scrappy bits of Sc Cugen, 1Ci~280+. Otherwise, fine, strong
sunshine - cloud cleared rapidly after rain ceased (as above): total
rainfall 0900 - 1500Z: 22.6mm=
1800 S F2 30km - 1/CU T163D145
RMK: 1Cu med (distant to NE)~018, tr Cu fra (overhead / evaporating
quickly)~018, 1Ci~280+.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 17.4 precipitation: 22.8
other data:
(a): with 22.8mm (so far) for the rain-day beginning 09Z today, this is
the wettest such 24hr period since 1st December 2005 (27.0mm); this has
also been the wettest 9hr 'day' period (09-18Z) for at least 3 years.
(b): the total number of days of 'thunder heard' this year (so far) is
now 19. This compares with an estimated average for this spot of 15 for
the whole year.
(c): the monthly total rainfall is now up to 90% of the eLTA (71-00).=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W