I looked at the GFS yesterday and it certainly picked up the heavy rain
moving through today, surprised itcaught the Met Office out.
"Alan Gardiner" wrote in message
Tudor Hughes wrote:
Alan Gardiner wrote:
Peter Thomas wrote:
Godalming, Surrey 1400 22/09/06
Very heavy rain for last hour or more. Visibility poor. Drains
overflowing. Motor traffic slow, with marked bow-waves.
Some thunder.
'light rain' per BBC 5-day http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/5day.shtml
also from Met Office gor near0by Guildford
0.4mm at noon per Metcheck.com
Met Office warning of heavy rain for Midlands , Eastern Counties and
Yorks & Lincs
Really must look at the charts. Do they publish an explanation of
how actual differs from forecast?
The radar currently shows the heaviest rain to be over East Sussex
and Surrey; confirmed by this observation. The severe weather
warningdoes not seem reflect the actual position which is rather odd
given that the forecasters have access to high resolution images.
Perhaps they expect the rain to intensify even more as it moves
north and they don't think it is heavy enough to warrant a warning
for Sussex and Suffolk..The European radar image has been showing
this heavy rain moving up from France for many hours so it is not as
if it ahs suddenly developed.
There was a spell of very heavy rain (guess 20mm/hr) here just
after 1100Z and there is still light rain with moderate bursts at the
moment. The wind has increased considerably and is now S to SSW force
3-4. Not a very good forecast.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, NE Surrey, 556 ft.
It's torrential here in St Albans at 1530, rain rate over 60mm /hr and the
daily total is now 20mm (including 4mm overnight).
Alan Gardiner
Chiswell Green, St Albans