That really is exceptional, temperatures look generally above average for
the next week at least so looks like a record in some locations (at least)
is still well on track.
I can go back to 1960 (46 years) and it beats the previous highs by about
+2°c, still 9 days to go yet though.
Here are any my previous highest maximum temperature September averages:
1980, 1999 Average max 20.9°c
1961, 1970, 20.3°c
2003 & 2005, 20.4°c
2006 currently 22.9°c (+4.0°c 1970-2000 average)
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net
Typical, today's max was below average 18.3°c, now 22.7°c average ;-)
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net