wettest day for 26 days, Canterbury
4.6mm for the month in Dover, even less fell here today than in Canters
The balance will be redressed - Mother Nature pays her debt, be it dry
or wet.
Robin Nicholson wrote:
On Fri, 22 Sep 2006 15:34:41 +0100, Jonathan Stott
Light rain all morning giving a total of 2.3mm of rainfall since 09Z
today, making that the wettest day since 2.3mm on 28th August. Very
blustery now but the rain has stopped and the sun has come out.
Monthly total rainfall now stands at 3.0mm.
I always thought Canterbury and the extreme SE got clobbered by
showers running along the Channel and clipping Kent. How do you
normally compare with Dover 'down the road'?