"Keith (Southend)" wrote in message
Jon O'Rourke wrote:
"Keith (Southend)" wrote in message
Can anyone tell me where wmo no. 99272 is that appears in the synops?
99272 41658 50402 10238 20191 30054 40083 55002 70521 85400 91450 333
10274 85635=
Could be completely wrong but I came up with a US buoy at 30N 88W !
Thanks Jon,
That would be In the Gulf of Mexico just south of Mobile, Alabama. Not
sure that fits in with the times of climate reporting. Tx 15:00, Tn 03:00,
Sun 18:00 and rainfall 06:00. Only Iran reports at those times. I guess we
just need to find the Long/Lat coordinates.
AAXX 22181 99272 31558 70000 10222 20204 30068 40097 52014 71021 87500
333 55048 21512 87630=
AAXX 22151 99272 41658 50402 10238 20191 30054 40083 55002 70521 85400
333 10274 85635=
AAXX 22121 99272 32560 50802 10270 20197 30056 40085 56012 85800 91150
333 82825 84630=
AAXX 22091 99272 42560 53302 10256 20191 30068 40097 57014 85800 90850
333 82825 84630=
AAXX 22061 99272 32560 20000 10240 20190 30082 40111 53002 82100 90550
333 30015 50221 70000 82825=
AAXX 22031 99272 41557 70000 10186 20183 30080 40109 52011 71022 87500
333 20186 87630=
AAXX 22001 99272 31558 70000 10194 20191 30069 40098 52002 71021 84570
333 84625 87358=
AAXX 21211 99272 42660 70000 10192 20189 30067 40096 50003 85570 92050
333 85635 87358=
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net
The details are
STATION: DB272/992720
ELEVATION: 0000m MSL (0ft MSL)
CITY: ENVIRONM BUOY 42015 LAT/LONG: 30.12°N 088.12°W (30°07'N
It seems to be a WMO number for Environ Buoy in the GOM. It seems to be
reporting via ship obs on ID 42015