[OBS]Whipsnade, Beds, Sat 23 Sep 2006
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
0850z E F4 300m FG 7St000 14.2/14.0 1011.3
RMK: Noticed shallow fog forming over wet grass shortly
after 18z, and it appears to have been foggy for most of
the night, although vis was very variable. Vis improved
sharply from 200m to 2000m+ while I was doing the ob
with cloud down to 3 okta and strong sunshine briefly, but
it closed in again as I walked back. We appear to be near
the top of the fog. No higher cloud was visible. 0.2mm
fog drip overnight; and a high grass min characteristic of
all-night fog.
1150z ESE F3-4 15km 3Cu012 18.7/15.6 1009.9
RMK: Fog cleared v.quickly after 09z, although patches
of low St continued to drift up from the SE for some time.
A little Ci also visible now, otherwise the sky is a deep
blue and the sunshine strong.
1520z ESE F4 30km 3Cu022 19.8/14.1 1008.5
RMK: No higher cloud visible at the moment.
1750z ESE F3 18km 1Sc025 6Ci250 17.6/15.6 1008.0
RMK: Ci advanced from the south quite quickly after
last ob. Sc cugen. Cotra.
09-18: Tx 20.4 RR nil sss(00-18) 6.8
Philip Eden
Whipsnade, 214m