Explaining the methane mystery
Hysterical rightwing Karl Rove Fellators must SUCK wrote:
"Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE" wrote in
If Al Gore wants to save the world from CO2, why doesn't he demand
Arab methane be injected back into the wells to increase liquid flow
rather than being burned in the desert to light up thousands of square
miles (visible from satellite at night)?
Because Al Gore doesn't give a s---- about the environment. He's
working on his career.
And YOUR excuse for allowing other to KILL your world is.... ????
Oh give it a rest. You enviro-kooks have been crowing this same old
line since Rachel Carson wrote the book 1963 that lead to the deaths of
30 million Africans thanks the banning of DDT. It's been 43 years and
the World is still here. Change does not automatically = death.
Worst case scenario is a die-off. The population of the World exceeds
a certain number, 90% die, and things start again. Happens in all
sorts of animal colonies, but so what?