No night min below 10c since June 7th....
In on Sun, 1 Oct 2006, Jim Smith wrote
Evening all,
Cant find the earlier thread (was it on here, or on TWO?) reference the long
run of nights with ninima in excess of 10c.
Not surprising - it was disguised under the thread title 'Some high
rainfall totals - Boulmer 38.9 mm' - around 22nd August.
Anyway - it's now October 1st and I still haven't had a night minimum below
10c since June 7th here in Bournemouth. That is unpredecented in the 10
years that I've kept records here - just wondering how unusual it is.
Anyone else had a longer run or not had a minimum below 10c this autumn so
That sequence will be broken this week though, I suspect.
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham (change 'invalid83261' to 'blueyonder' to email me)