[OBS] Bracknell (Tawfield) Mon 02 Oct 2006
Monday, 02 October 2006
0900 SSW F3 25km - 1/CU 5/AC T151D123
RMK: 1Cu hum~015, 5Ac~100 (very thin, well broken), 3Ci~280+.
screen min: 12.6 grass min: 13.9 precipitation: 0.4 [24hr total: 05.0
other data: moderate intensity rain shower, accompanied by squally
winds, early yesterday evening, then dry overnight. ]=
1500 SW F3 45km 8000S VCSH 2/CB 3/AC T152D122
RMK: 2Cb cap~018 (with TCU, all associated with slowly retreating line
of heavy convective rainfall aligned ENE-WSW to our south), 3Ac~080,
SHRA/+SHRA between 1350 & 1430Z, then slight, ceased by 1445Z; local
roads awash with water, but garden coping OK. Rainfall since 09Z (and
effectively from this recent event) 7.0mm=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W