"Jim Smith" wrote in message

"Paul Hyett" wrote in message
In uk.sci.weather on Sun, 1 Oct 2006, Jim Smith wrote :
Evening all,
Cant find the earlier thread (was it on here, or on TWO?) reference the
run of nights with ninima in excess of 10c.
Not surprising - it was disguised under the thread title 'Some high
rainfall totals - Boulmer 38.9 mm' - around 22nd August.
Anyway - it's now October 1st and I still haven't had a night minimum
10c since June 7th here in Bournemouth. That is unpredecented in the 10
years that I've kept records here - just wondering how unusual it is.
Anyone else had a longer run or not had a minimum below 10c this autumn
That sequence will be broken this week though, I suspect.
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham (change 'invalid83261' to 'blueyonder' to email
I think it will go tonight. 13c at 2200 local and very little wind.
That'll teach me to post :-)
Jim, Bournemouth
Actually.. no!
Bottomed out at 10.1 here (about 3/4 of a mile inland) despite a min of 6c
at the airpoer which is a noted frost hollow.
So the long run goes on...