beav wrote in
On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 06:15:10 GMT, Exxon Stockholders Liable for Global
Warming Damages wrote:
Giant CO2-H2O Natural Laser photographed from Space Satellites -- 2,763
megatons of TNT energy equivilent each peak hour measured.
you mean it emitted a coherent stream of photons from a mix of CO2 and
H2O by stimulated emmission?
That's what the satellite photographed. IR in the 10.7 micron wavelength
at intensities not normal, in an area of 70,000 square miles, which
persisted for hours duration at peak and at unseen before levels over two
days time.
2763 MT of TNT energy MEASURED? or just calculated? your next
exercise is to calculate the background level of energy form the area
normally existing. further, compare that to the "MTs of energy" that
cover the globe every day.
The measurements were performed by a fleet of satellites with data
processed by the US Navy for navigational knowledge and security issues.
The stimulated emissions were concurrent with precipitation of rain as a
byproduct of the emission of IR energy -- with the decrease in energy,
liquid water bonds were able to form. The measured rainfail is a
reciprical of the emitted energy: know either one and you know the other
automatically. The latent heat of fusion for change of state from vapor to
liquid is known with great precision and has been known for centuries.
one of your other sock puppets came up with this "laser" baloney...
do you have any idea what you're talking about?
Yes, natural formation of CO2 gas, H2O catalyst, amplification and
stimulated emission of infrared light radiant energy. That's what the word
"LASER" was invented to describe: L = Light, A = Amplification, S =
Stimulated, E = Emission, R = Radiation.
A normal CO2 gas laser is a tube filled with CO2, Nitrogen and Water
Vapor, to which electricity is applied. The electrons energize the
Nitrogen which emits photons, which are absorbed by the CO2 through H2O
catalysis, and the CO2 then spontaneously forms an emission stream. The
sidewalls contain the stream of photons and a full reflector on the back
forces a one-way stream through a semi-reflective front.
Exactly what was seen here.
The thunderstorm activity provided the charges of lightening. The rainfall
curtains provided a reflective sidewalls, the wet watery surface provided
the impermeable rear reflector, the atmoshere donated the CO2, H2O vapor
and Nitrogen gases, and Global Warming provided the base system energy.
The thing was PHOTOGRAPHED and measured up the yin-yang, you friggin'
dunce. NOAA satellites provided the public, including you and me, the
images, and the US Navy made their own archives as did I.
Reality does not go away because you find it an inconvenient truth.
Until somebody shows photographic evidence differently this stands as the
largest IR emitter ever photographed on planet Earth. The emissions were
at the top of the instrument calibrations and may have exceeded the
instruments capability to record excess emissions.31 of the 50 States of
the United States are smaller than this event in terms of Earth surface
coverage. That big Ice Melt lake in the Arctic that people were recently
talking about was only slightly over half the size of this CO2 LASER
event, only 38,000 square miles versus 70,000 square miles.
You are just another stupid republican who spends too much time thinking
about getting into boys behinds.