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Old October 12th 06, 06:17 AM posted to sci.environment,sci.geo.geology,sci.geo.meteorology
Ray Lopez [email protected] Ray Lopez Rumsfelds.Snuf.Flics@Rendition.Private.Edition is offline
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First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Oct 2006
Posts: 9
Default Giant CO2-H2O Natural Laser photographed from Space Satellites -- 2,763 megatons of TNT energy equivilent each peak hour measured

beavith wrote in

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 00:09:56 GMT, "Ray Lopez

beav wrote in

On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 05:30:18 GMT, "Ray Lopez

beav wrote in

On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 06:15:10 GMT, Exxon Stockholders Liable for
Global Warming Damages

Giant CO2-H2O Natural Laser photographed from Space Satellites --
2,763 megatons of TNT energy equivilent each peak hour measured.

you mean it emitted a coherent stream of photons from a mix of CO2
and H2O by stimulated emmission?

That's what the satellite photographed. IR in the 10.7 micron
wavelength at intensities not normal, in an area of 70,000 square
miles, which persisted for hours duration at peak and at unseen before
levels over two days time.

its not over 70000 km. the most intense areas are quite a bit smaller
in area.

70,000 SQUARE MILES is larger than 70,000 km^2, and 70,000 MILES^2 is
what can be measured from the photographic data.

my bad. i was thinking metric, not english.

what i apparently didn't articulate too well is that the entire area
of ioke (70,000 square miles) is not emitting this huge "lasing" area.
the areas that you are mistakenly conjecturing as "lasing" is small
regions of the hottest, most dense, part of the hurricane.

What you didn't cogitate too well is BEBINCA is the extraordinary radiat
light source, compared to the #1 most intense strongest longest hurricane
of the Pacific for comparison. IOKE radiated weakly compared to BEBINCA,
and IOKE could fit inside the central hot spot of BEBINCA entirely.

You missed the main event and concentrated on the side show.

if it was coherent, the intensity would show as black or whatever
burned out pixels look like.

This is your shabby republican science education at work again. Did you
go to Kansas Creationist Science Schools?

Lasers can be mild as checkout scanners or intense enough that they melt
through steel as cutting lasers. Your mistake is to think they only have
one peak intensity parameter.

At 25,000 miles in space, very few of the IR photons actually reach the
sensors. Mostly they difuse. THe sensors are built rugged enough to
capture natural levels of peak intensity, and nobody really knows how
many test sensors they did burn out befoire they arrived at the
threshhold level of instrument ruggedness appropriate for natural

The detectors have unused upper detection threshhold which rarely ever
gets activated by natural events. In this case the unused portion was
used because the intensity exceeded the photon emissions of even
Hurricane Wilma, the strongest hurricane ever measured in the Atlantic

You are just a knee-jerk opposer operating by compulsive reflex without
thinking and processing data. You did go to Moonie Kansas "Intelligunt
Desine" classes, didn't you? Admit it.

sigh the sensors are "light buckets". they count photons and stack
them in pixels. when the "bucket" gets filled, its considered
swamped. if you spent more than a few minutes downloading this stuff,
the green area is simply at the maximal value of the sensor. its
still on the scale.

NO. The green area has a white area to the right of it. Green against red
is a color clash because they are opposite sides of the colorwheel, so the
green intensity of the Funktop color enhansement palette is easy to see.
However, on the Rainbow (white on red) and WaterVapor (white on dark blue)
color palettes additional colors are easier to see than the white on green
of the Funktop.

At no time did the total scale of the sensors get swamped. THe most
rightward readings of light photon intensity of Bebinca exceeded the max
intensity of the Pacific's strongest storm, and the high intensity AVERAGE
of the hot spot of BEBINCA that was as intense as IOKE was larger than ALL

You are having major problems absorbing reality that you don't want to

Three links:

The first has 9 different copies of the same data on the bottom of the
page, and all the color palettes.

The second link compares IOKE and BEBINCA size to size, side by side. The
navy uses 2 degrees latitude and longitude lines, 5 boxes = 10 degrees,
while the NOAA satelittes uses 2.5 degrees boxes, 4 boxes = 10 degrees.
IOKE and BEBINCA were on the same latitude when these comparison pictures
were taken so it is comparing apples to apples, oranges to oranges
sizewise. The picture comparing BEBICA to FLORENCE at the far right shows
the BEBINCA hot spot was 5 degrees wide, 306 miles across. Pi x r^2 =
70,000 miles in area.

if it was lasing, you'd be dumping streams of COHERENT photons into
just a few pixels. you wouldn't get photons "diffusing" over the
distance form the storm to the satellite. laser reflectors on the
moon accept laser shots, reflect light back to the source and only
spread out by feet.

Your definition is unnecessarily strict. LASER means light amplification,
which we have here (that is more light than there would have been) by the
stimulated emission of RADIATION (which is what the satelitte senses.
"Coherency" is not technically part of the LASER definition and need not
exist to have lasing -- it is strictly an artifact of the reflectivity of
the sidewalls. In this case the sidewalls are imperfectly reflective so
that LASING without tight coherency resulted.

You just don't understand the quantum mechanics of light emission. There
is nothing in quantum mechanics which requires coherency for there to be
stimulated emission of radiation, nor is there any requirement in quantum
mechanics that there cannot be feedback amplification without coherency.

You made up a rule that doesn't exoist in the definition nor exist in
physics or nature. Coherency is a secondary quality of lasers priced for
it's usefulness, but it is not a mandatory part of the definition.

i'm not opposing anything. you have made a mistake. i'm just
pointing it out.

do i get to post a "rumsfield snuf flics LIES AND GOT CAUGHT" post?

by all means... post that 1,000 million times.

the pictures of ioke were very interesting. i don't know what
"emissions of the green area are not by obvious means" means...

its the very hottest part of the hurricane. what's the big deal?

There are "conventionl paradigms" which explain what the IR detectors
"mean". The plain fact is the detectors detect -- that's all they do. If
photons arrive physically at the location of the detector then they are
detected, else not. It really is that simple.

Interpretation of the IR photons being detected is applied paradigms,
putting "meanng" to the image created. The wrong paradigm will apply the
wrong "meaning" and deceive about the underlying physics in operation
which generated those IR photons. The statement is a warning not to jump
to conclusions by applying paradigms recklessly with disregard for the
totality of the known facts.

what? this is nuttier nonsense.

You not only can't comprehend what you read, nor interpret photographic
evidence placed in front of your face, now you are admitting that you
don't comprehend cognition principles.

The Navy applies a legend on the bottom of their images of BEBINCA with a
colorcode indicating temperature. The more "IR heat photons" the colder
they describe it, -90 degrees C. Their paradigm is based on heat expansion
drive cloud tops higher and the air is colder higher, therefore what they
are seeing is the temperature of the highest coldest cloudtops.

That's a "paradigm", a frame of reference, that "more heat = colder". The
warning given is to not leap to paradigms recklessly in disregard for the
full set of known facts. IOKE's emissions are not due to high winds, and
Hurricane John and Tropical Storm Aletta are shown as reminder that
emissions are not a product of wind force. That page was a month before

Nothing nuttier about the warning. You jumped to the conclusion that I was
pointing out IOKE IR emissions when BEBINCA is the champion emitter of the
year -- a rush to judgement on your part.

2763 MT of TNT energy MEASURED? or just calculated? your next
exercise is to calculate the background level of energy form the
area normally existing. further, compare that to the "MTs of
energy" that cover the globe every day.

The measurements were performed by a fleet of satellites with data
processed by the US Navy for navigational knowledge and security
issues. The stimulated emissions were concurrent with precipitation of
rain as a byproduct of the emission of IR energy -- with the decrease
in energy, liquid water bonds were able to form. The measured rainfail
is a reciprical of the emitted energy: know either one and you know
the other automatically. The latent heat of fusion for change of state
from vapor to liquid is known with great precision and has been known
for centuries.

one of your other sock puppets came up with this "laser" baloney...

do you have any idea what you're talking about?

Yes, natural formation of CO2 gas, H2O catalyst, amplification and
stimulated emission of infrared light radiant energy. That's what the
word "LASER" was invented to describe: L = Light, A = Amplification, S
= Stimulated, E = Emission, R = Radiation.

that's why i bought it up. no stimulated emission is occurring.

It it is NOT stimulated, then provde an alternate explanation for what
is photographed. It certainly is not a normal presence. This
"abnormality" existed to be photographed because it's abnormal presense
was stimulated into existence. Words actually do have meanings --
stimulated has a meaning, and I used it within the defined parameters of
that meaning. You are simply denying photographic evidence and
playingmutation games with words. You have no alternative decription of
the causal factors producing a rare abnormality.

see your tripe above. stimulated emission is required for a laser to
be a laser. anything else at that frequency is just warm.

All that is required is LASING. Lasers may be invisible light without
heat. Heat, temperature, is no part of LASER definition.

You have no explanation for the IR raduation of BEBINCA. There it wasn't,
then there it was, then there it wasn't again. Some set of factors caused
emission of IR energy at outbursts not seen elsewhere before or
afterwards. You don't understand those factors. EMISSION was STIMULATED as
RADIATION at AMPLIFICATION levels not found in normal nature, in the form
of infrared LIGHT.

All of the requirements for LASER were satisfied. You not only do not
understand the physics of the event, you don't even understand that an
event occurred. The event that you do not know occurred poured nine inches
of rain on Alaska and knocked out both ends of the Alaska Pipeline, which
is still throttled mostly off at this instant of time. You are simply
unable to connect events travelling slowly hour by hour 5,000 miles away
to be connected together.

To help poor befuddled people like you I went into my treasure trove that
I have and you don't to pull out pictures of BEBINCA moving from the
tropical Pacific to the Arctic.

Here, you poor sap, Kansas Monkey unevolved enough to understand Human
Science with your Creationist Republican "ejucation". Here's more pretty
pictures for you to look at and not have a clue that they have physical
reality meaning to them...

A normal CO2 gas laser is a tube filled with CO2, Nitrogen and Water
Vapor, to which electricity is applied. The electrons energize the
Nitrogen which emits photons, which are absorbed by the CO2 through
H2O catalysis, and the CO2 then spontaneously forms an emission
stream. The sidewalls contain the stream of photons and a full
reflector on the back forces a one-way stream through a
semi-reflective front.

Exactly what was seen here.

ummmm. no. you need CO2, N2 and He in a reflective flow thru
chamber, under a relative vacuum (10-100 torr)

O2 will quench any population inversion.

Not under the circumstances seen here. Laboratories have a difficulty of
producing the "gigawatts" of power of natural lightening strokes,
whereas tropical storms have no shortages of lightning available. What
is your measurement of the "air pressure" in the passage zone of a
gigawatt flow of electricity in a smal space of time? What do you think
causes the "thunder" sound, if not the instantaneous creation of a
violent displacement of air molecules my multi-millions of Ampreres of
electrons flowing?

lets stay on task here. there is no way to get CO2 to lase under the
conditions of a hurricane. say it. SAY IT!

that other stuff is baloney.

The thunderstorm activity provided the charges of lightening. The
rainfall curtains provided a reflective sidewalls, the wet watery
surface provided the impermeable rear reflector, the atmoshere donated
the CO2, H2O vapor and Nitrogen gases, and Global Warming provided the
base system energy.

what? its an engineering project at its most simple. forming in a
hurricane? cmon.

Kansas Creationist Scienticklish-Flavored Denialism again.

"Hot Towers" is an established cyclone terminology associated with these
radiant events. The terminology is nearly a decade old at this point.
The elucidation has never been achieved by applying conventional
paradigms, and the internet is devoid of satisfying explanations beyond
gross description of a few parameters. The "inner working" are wholely

You are entirely devoid of a coherent explanation, and empty of any
predictive theory. You are not even capable of taking the most basic
measurements off of the photographic data, as your faux paux mistaking
70,000 km^2 for 70,000 MILES^2 shows. You are simply unequipped to
understand the photographic data plaqced in front of your face.

and you seem heck bent on seeing something that isn't there, nor could
it ever be there.

let it go. just let it go.

The thing was PHOTOGRAPHED and measured up the yin-yang, you friggin'
dunce. NOAA satellites provided the public, including you and me, the
images, and the US Navy made their own archives as did I.

Reality does not go away because you find it an inconvenient truth.

science doesn't bend to your will. even if you hope real hard.

Bebinca cared nothing as to whether or not you or I were watching. It
obeyed the laws of physics. I witnessed the event and recorded the
entire sequence using every publically available satellite channel in
existence. That's why I happen to be in possession of 331 megabytes of
satellite imagery on my hard drive and you possess zero bytes.

GOOGLE is the impartial witness:

There are 11 links to the webpage going back to
September 6, 2006. In fact the webpage is stored in a directory labelled
"temp_sep_06". This is one full month ahead of the phenomena of Bebinca.

On October 07, 2006 though most of October 08 my computer was
disfunctional due to a power supply failure. During the blackout period
I failed to download the 500 to 800 satellite images I normally process
every day. You of course cannot supply any copies of missing data
because you have none, because you don't even understand why you would
need any to understand what the Earth is teaching about physics to those
who look with a prepared mind.

I do however have a reasonably complete collection of the aftermath of
Bebinca, which drifted north off the coast of Japan, up into and across
Alaska, and bent backwards south through western Canada and then
preceeded easterly acroos North America.

The Alaska loop caused three days of severe windstorms that coated
powerline insulators wirh dust, then a rain which created a conductive
mud and power failures which shut off the northern end of the Prudoe Bay
Alaska Pipeline. The southern end of the pipeline was closed by flooding
conditions along a 65 mile stretch, which has been cleared. The pipeline
system is still partially disabled at this hour because of the remnants
of Tropical Storm Bebinca.

Once again I have sequential hour-by-hour photographs and you have
Kansas MOONIE Creationist Denialism. Which am I going to believe -- the
right-turd or my lying eyes?

Until somebody shows photographic evidence differently this stands as
the largest IR emitter ever photographed on planet Earth.

this may be. this is the least nutty thing that you've said, so far.

You are the one out of touch with physics of planet Earth.

Again, no coherent alternative explanation from you, just typical
republican badmouthing of science statements to discredit them.

sigh for it to be a laser, it must emit coherent light by
stimulated emission.

science? you? cmon!

The emissions were
at the top of the instrument calibrations and may have exceeded the
instruments capability to record excess emissions.

swamping a sensor occasionally happens. shrug turn down the gain
and resample.

this kind of data collection occurs all the time in digital
photographic astronomy. its no big deal.

What was photographed is the largest Earth-based photon event in the
history of satellite photography. If you can point to a larger one, do
so. Bebinca was photographed by a fleet of satellites, not just one. The
Navy archives site has satellite coverage from an entire fleet of
satellites sweeping the area in overlapping fashion, and this is just
the public non-classified satellites. One wonders what the military saw
from their more sophisticated spy satellites.

31 of the 50 States of
the United States are smaller than this event in terms of Earth
surface coverage. That big Ice Melt lake in the Arctic that people
were recently talking about was only slightly over half the size of
this CO2 LASER event, only 38,000 square miles versus 70,000 square


despite what you believe, its not a laser.

I believe you are a republican ass who doesn't understand that LASERs
exist because the natural laws of physics permit them to exist. Under
appropriate conditions materials will LASE naturally, whether you like
it or not.

You are just another stupid republican who spends too much time
thinking about getting into boys behinds.

and you are still a self replicating puppet master that spews

Explain why the Repig leadership didn't call the cops on Foley 3 years
ago? They knew then, as WE ALL KNOW NOW that he was a sexual predator
violating laws.

Barney Frank, Gerry Studds, Bill Clinton.... but i'm here to poke a
hole in your ridiculous contention that hurricanes spawn CO2 lasers.

politics have nothing to do with your looney pseudoscience.