[OBS]Whipsnade, Beds, Thu 12 Oct 2006
"Martin Rowley" m wrote :
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote
... I'm now going to try to apportion it with the help
of a TSR chart with nine days of traces on it (which will
probably take all morning).
... there will be a goodly number of people on this newsgroup who won't
appreciate what that statement implies: all I can say is "good luck" &
don't go too boggle-eyed in the process ;-)
I finished with an aggregate of 52.5mm from the TSR chart against
53.0mm from the rain-gauge -- appreciably closer than I sometimes
get! If anyone's interested:
2nd 0.9
3rd 0.5
4th nil or tr
5th 4.1
6th 17.3
7th nil or tr
8th nil or tr
9th 20.0
10th 1.5
11th 8.2