ECMWF goes for some interesting weather at end of week
Robin Nicholson wrote:
On Sat, 14 Oct 2006 11:56:48 +0100, "Will Hand"
Bring it on!
Anythings better than this warmth and damp ATM.
If it brings to an end this invasion of flies..ECHOED
I have never used more spray. never put Vapona thingys on the doors,
AND hanging the same time
Haven't noticed more flies than usual this year. A few weeks ago, I found
I'd picked up some fleas, probably whilst taking a short cut across a
playing field. They're fun to get rid of!
About forty years ago on a warm summer's evening, Mum, Dad and I were
returning from the local working-mens club and I looked up at the white
wall of our house about a hundred yards away and wondered why the
rectangular window of the back bedroom looked circular. As we got closer, I
could see that the black mass on the wall was insects. When we got inside
the house, I took a can of fly-spray, went up to the room, opened the door
a little, gave the room a long spray and shut the door again. After a while
I went back to the room and swept up all the flies - all types and sizes -
with shovel, broom, and bucket. My father used the room for his work and we
assumed the linseed oil used on his clicking-board had attracted them. This
event only happened the once.
Graham Davis