Next week's weather beginning 22/10/06
In message , Will Hand
"Keith (Southend)" wrote in message
Will Hand wrote:
Bedroom temperature is usually circa 10C in winter and around 15C in summer
which is just right for a good night's sleep.
Crickey, I'd freeze to death in those temperatures with my circulation !
Although I must admit the 20°c + I'm used to does have it's draw backs.
Don't worry Keith, it's me that's unusual.
LOL when we have friends to stay they always bring big wooly jumpers.
Not that unusual. I struggle to sleep if the temperature's much above
13C. We like the house to be between 16 and 20C with the bedroom around
10C and are beginning to seriously consider air conditioning for the
summer months as the last couple of summers have been unbearably hot.
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