Gianna wrote:
Keith (Southend) wrote:
What worries me is I can't see an answer, it will only stop when mankind
starts to wipe itself out, or more than likely the planet we have on
loan. I really don't see any viable alternative energy sources that
will seriously feel the gap for our needs and as for the greenhouse
tax's, what a joke, meaningless, it doesn't stop the emissions!
I'm sure someone (or two) will put me straight on some of my thoughts,
tell me i don't know what I'm talking about as far as a fuel crisis is
concerned or say I'm a fascist or something grin, but I just don't see
how "we" are going to stop this roller coaster ride of global warming.
And suddenly, a solution was at hand ...
By which time the monitor lizard or three-toed sloth will have evolved
a large brain and will fill the ecological niche left by humans. This
time the new large-brained creatures will not suffer from ego,
selfishness, greed and irrational beliefs and John Lennon's utopian
vision will be realised.
One can only hope.
... or not.