Dear All,
Does anybody know the most rapid recorded pressure rise during the
passage of an extratropical system? I just tried googling with little
success, I'm sure we've talked about it before on here.
"Lothar" in France had rises of 27mb/3hr - but this appears to be
surpassed by the "Greenhouse Low" - an extraordinary low that hit
Iceland in 1991 with sustained winds of 57m/s recorded and pressure
rises of 30.4mb/3hrs. I'd doubt the validity of those gusts!!
Anyhow - does anybody know of 3-hour pressure rises bigger than these?
p.s. If anyone wants to read more about this: - abstract but no
content - "Potential
vorticity-based interpretation of the evolution of 'The Greenhouse
Low', 2-3 February 1991" - probably a bit more technical !