Fair Isle 1755z 020deg 51kt gust 67kt; 2200m in moderate rain; Temp 5.2 dp
4.7C; QNH 982.8hPa +5.7hPa last 3 hours; 29.1mm since 06z (35.4mm since 21z
on 25th); max 8.7C min 5.2
Winds have been averaging 48-51kt last couple of hours here on Fair Isle.
Gusting 67kt. Very surprised to hear that the Northlink ferry was to leave
Aberdeen for Lerwick this evening. Seas around Fair Isle (seen just before
darkness fell) are absolutely horrendous! Estimate 7-8 metre swell at least!
Contrary to what I said on an earlier posting re flooding here - the West
Road on Fair Isle is presently not advised due to flooding above the croft
of Lower Leogh!!
Some damage in Shetland. A fence down blocking a footpath, a tree(s) in
Lerwick blown down (can't afford to lose too many!!). More seriously a house
has reportedly lost a roof on the island of Yell.
"Steve Loft" wrote in message
Dave on Fair Isle wrote:
Hi Steve - welcome to the 'real' weather!
Thanks, Dave. I knew the weather had just been fooling us so far.
We haven't quite managed Force 10 yet, max 10-min speed so far 47.5
kts/54.7 mph NNE, gusting to 62.1 kts/71.5 mph.
Steve Loft
Sanday, Orkney. 5m ASL