[OBS]Whipsnade, Beds, Sat 28 Oct 2006
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote:
0850z SSW F3 18km 1Cu008 7Cs200 13.6/12.8 1021.0
RMK: Tr Cu fra; also 1Sc, Tr Ac, and Cotra. Faint partial
halo. Cs layer is relatively low and has a slightly greyish cast
to it.
1220z SW F3-4 25km 5Sc010 8As150 15.2/13.0 1020.8
RMK: Also 2Sc050. Sun still quite bright when it finds a
way through the lower stuff.
1750z SW F4-5 20km 8Sc015 14.9/14.1 1020.5
RMK: Cloud is a bit of a guess ... it's very dark and I see
no reflected light from the towns unless I walked to the
top of the Downs. Which I'm not going to do 'cos it's
very dark ...
09-18 Tx 16.2 RR nil sss(00-18) 0.3
Philip Eden
Whipsnade, 214m