"Colin Youngs" wrote in message
I see from the list at
http://www.met.fu-berlin.de/wetterpate/tief/#aktuell that the
company MeteoSolutions has sponsored the forthcoming Low Rhea and the
names starting X, Y and Z have been paid for by Twentieth Century
Fox -
makers of the film The Day after Tomorrow
http://www.thedayaftertomorrowmovie.com/ .
The rules for choosing names on the FU Berlin's website say that
names will not be accepted unless they are also forenames !
.... How do these organisations get a return on the sponsorship?
All credit to Free University of Berlin: the continuance of naming is
well-done and as with other things 'Europe' I fear we have lost out
here. I have noted that the named pressure features have turned up in
scientific journals from time to time, so are increasingly accepted
outside Germany.