[OBS] Whipsnade, Beds, Sat 4 Nov 2006
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
0920z WNW F2 5km HZ 1Cs220 04.2/00.4 1036.1
RMK: 1Cs way to the S and SE, also 1Ci to the NNE,
otherwise sky clear. Thick haze across the Vale of Aylesbury
but haze layer is fairly shallow, probably not extending much
above observation point. Ground frozen, hoar frost now
"lifting" in the sun. Some condensation in the rain-gauge
funnel which wasn't there on recent mornings.
1150z W F3 9km HZ 1Ci250 06.7/04.0 1035.5
RMK: Steady breeze from the west now
1750z NW F2 40km 7Ci250 03.5/01.8 1035.0
RMK: Ci spread from the NW during the afternoon;
quite dense patches visible in the moonlight. Not as
cold as at the same time on recent nights, with
a little condensation forming on pathways which
have been dry for four days. Vis still v.good .... for
the moment
09-18: Tx 8.6 RR nil sss(00-18) 7.4
Philip Eden
Whipsnade 214m