Wijke wrote in message ...
:Real cold Colin! Also at de Bilt. I don't like it at all

; longing for
:last year's summer :-).
:Must admit sky's wonderful: very clear&trnasparant; with calm cumuli (3/8)
:giving those real bright sunny spells!
:My site: Tmin 1.5 C - Tc 10.4 C -- nice temps for March; and it May 23
As usual Brussels is not quite as cool as that - being more sheltered from
the North Sea wind than you are.
What is annoying me is the persistent wind from between N and E. Planes
taking off from Brussels Airport - about 10 km NNE of here - fly low over
the area where I live when the wind is in that quarter. As the rules
banning night flights have recently been relaxed, the noise now continues
well after midnight. It is particularly exasperating in warm weather when
you want to have the windows open.
Colin Youngs