Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change
In message , Orator
John Beardmore wrote:
In message , Orator
There is also the possibility that the sensitivity to greenhouse
gases is less than what most climate models indicate. Scientists feel
increase of 1degree F ( 0.5 degrees C) in 140 years is not
necessarily outside the range of natural climate variability."
Which ones ?
Which scientists ?
Note the reference point differs, and starts from a different point!
This only shows a rise in temperature of 0.29 degrees C! An amount
NASA states is "not necessarily outside the range of natural climate
Of course, when you put 10 "economists" in a room and tell them to
predict an outcome for a given scenario you invariably get 12 answers.
Hysteria, nothing but rampant hysteria in the Stern report!
Yes, though please tell us why NASA put the zero level where they
did, because they haven't put it where many academics do !
You pose questions directed at the various authors - ask them not me.
No - you are citing the NASA zero level as definitive, and as such it
appears to indicate less warming. As you regard the NASA graph as
definitive, I'm asking YOU why YOU think they put the zero level higher
than most other people who draw that graph ?
Cheers, J/.
John Beardmore