[OBS] Bracknell (Tawfield) Tue 07 Nov 2006
Tuesday, 07 November 2006
0900 NE F1 3500 BR 8/ST T069D067
RMK: 8St~007/009; about an hour ago, the ST broke up, to reveal
7+Sc~012, which I suspect is still there. The ST is of varying
screen min: 02.1 grass min: -00.8 precipitation: 0.1 [24hr total: 00.1
other data: Fog much of night (from around 23Z), with visibility below
200M at times; above fog limits ~05Z. Combination of ocnl thick fog and
heavy dew fall produced the 0.1mm in the gauge this morning.
Thermometers heavily affected by condensation as dew point has risen
after the cold night.]=
1500 SSE F2 6000 HZ 7/SC 7/CI T096D074
RMK: [COTRA] - 7Sc~010/012, 7Ci/COTRA~250/300. Enough gaps in Sc to see
that upper cloud is quite extensive / thick. Despite the cloud cover,
with only very brief bursts of sunshine, the temperature has risen quite
well today.=
1800 SE F1 3200 HZ 7/SC //CI T076D058
RMK: 7Sc~015/018, /Ci above. Can't now determine much about the Cirrus.
Low Sc/St reported earlier cleared for a short time, then we got this Sc
back at a slightly higher altitude.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 10.0 precipitation: NIL ]=
2100 SSE F1 2000 BR 8/SC T054D043
RMK: 8Sc~015/018.=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W