The reality is that ALL the articles in the Express, be it foreign news,
home news, politics are equally sensationalist and inaccurate - its not
just that "story".
Mind you if the MO had a spokesperson that was available for media then
this could be somewhat avoided.
wild today, but wilder on the mountains
Martin Rowley wrote:
So, if the terrorists, 'flu pandemic, global climate change or extended
credit don't get you ... get set for the 'Arctic Blast'!
(Makes you wonder how we survived this far don't it?)
Incidentally, it's going to be interesting to see how the 'White
Christmas' thing is going to be verified this year with the wholesale
closure of most of the old Weather Centres. As they use the nonsensical
'one flake doth a White Christmas make' rule, there going to be room for
a lot of argy-bargy when people turn up after Christmas to claim their
winnings ;-)