Sea temps
Adrian D. Shaw wrote:
Felly sgrifennodd Keith (Southend) :
I haven't seen that particular image showing such a cold pool to the the
south of NFL in recent months.
That map seems to have more -ve than +ve; can that be right in these
days of GW?
Good point except that if there is little or no ice, the cooler water
in the Arctic will not necessarily be the stuff in the deep end. Note
though it is still evacuating the same (western) side that it has in
the past. Luckily for us.
In the Arctic, the ice sheet is like a lenticular in that it is
constantly rebuilding (or was) with the input from the Atlantic
dividing into the fresh water as ice and the more dense solute as low
level or falling water.
The ice eventually leaves at Canada and so does the deeper stuff. It's
just that the deeper stuff usually makes it all the way to the Weddell.
However one thing that may yet escape the fanatical is that the lack of
separation might well be due to the fact that a lot more storms have
been making it into the Arctic this year.
And the mixing that would follow is more likely to have upset the model
more than a bit of carbon dioxide. In fact there is no way that a great
deal of carbon dioxide could do that, as it too would be liable to
enter the ocean and add to its density.
OK; what is wrong with that idea?
There is going to be a major upset in the fishing industries around the
globe no that the cold water in the global conveyer is disrupted.
Good job they already sucked out all the fish worth having.
Or maybe that was the cause? Nothing to do with global warming. Just
the usual ****ed up poor husbandry that has dogged dodgey farming all