[WR] Dartington, South Hams - 24-11-2006 19:45
Today's max +13.7 C
Last night's min +6.9 C
Today's rainfall so far 9.8mm
Currently 19:45
Temp +12.4 C
DP +11.3 C
RH 93%
Wind SSE'ly 03KT (10KT gust in last 2-mins)
Pressure 981.2 Steady
Current rain rate 12.6mm/hr
89.4mm rain so far this month, and the ground is saturated, at least
near the surface.
Interestingly we are still running a slightly negative 24-hr temp
anomaly: -0.3 C at present, due to the cold start to the month. 10 air
frosts already recorded this November!
An interesting night to come...
Dartington, South Hams