I was just having a glance at my November temperatures as we are now in
the final week, and after reading Will's mild forecast with the
possibility of 16°c early next week wondered where the numbers stood.
Currently 2.2° above the average for the month (10.2°c average maximum
Temperature currently 13.2°c and I would expect 14 to 15 overnight in
the warm sector of this developing low.
Rainfall 27.8mm (52%)
Sunshine 115.84% (159%)
Interesting how they talk about a 0.6°c rise in temperature due to
Global Warming, yet localy most months I seem to be 1.5 to 2.5°c above
the average. Maybe the balancing act we be the winter, now there's a
thought ?
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net