"Keith (Southend)" wrote in message
Weatherlawyer wrote:
Keith (Southend) wrote:
Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
Let me reverse the situation, do you subscribe to the GW lobby and if
answer is a yea, do you feel there has been increased storm activity
To what level might this negativity carry?
And does anyone have a piccie of what a storm would look like in the
upper atmosphere? I don't mean a view from above but the sort, or in
the nature of, a sea level mix up regarded as stormy -only superior.
These glowballers inodate in extremis about storms but what sort of
storms are there to choose from and what other long term effects might
be expected with the damn things?
You loose me sometimes Lawrence, but I'm sure you could feel the whole
evening with interesting conversation down the pub :-)
The 'No' was in agreement with your first statement, I don't feel we get
anymore storminess than we did before, infact I think we get less!
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net
Does that mean then, that the irrefutable warming has beneficial aspect-less
damaging storms?