Adrian D. Shaw wrote:
Felly sgrifennodd Phil Layton :
From Monday:
Unless it's changed since, you misread. It's happening Wednesday.
What's happening on Wednesday?
"24 November 2006
As part of a series of planned improvements to the Met Office web site,
we will be making some significant changes to on
Wednesday 29 November 2006.
We have been asking for your views about the Met Office web site for a
period of time and many of your suggestions - such as improved
navigation and increased access to weather data - will be incorporated
on the new web site.
As we arrange the transfer from the old to the new pages, the web site
will be temporarily unavailable for short periods on the morning of
Wednesday 29 November 2006. We apologise for this short loss of
We hope you will enjoy using the new site and look forward to any
suggestions about future improvements that you would like to see."
Increased access to data does not necessarily mean free access to data.
I would grab everything that is available that you regularly use from
them before they remove it in order to simplify navigating the site if
I were interested in anything more than I recently saved.
If I knew where to find it.
Has it occurred to anyone else that they might have hired Andrew Lane
as an advisor? He is just as likely to have responded to their survey
as anyone here.
Going by the list of improvements I have noticed since I started
researching meteorology there are some very dark days ahead.
I would have thought there isn't much of value on there that can be
misused for financial gain. Certainly not long term. What is invaluable
is the recorded data. And that should be free to all interested in
scientific research.
For that ideology I shall be eternally grateful to the USA despite
their disastrous political machinations.
Is it Advisor or Adviser. Firefox has flagged it as the latter but it
seems wrong.