Paul Crabtree wrote:
I have managed to get ahold of a few old copies of the "Monthly Weather
Report of the Meteorological Office" and I was wondering if this is
still produced today. I am currently looking at a copy from 1964 and
provides a wealth of info and facts.
Does anyone else have these publications ?
Has anybody got any they dont want anymore ?
many thanks
Paul Crabtree
Brampton, Cumbria
Hi, Paul,
The Meteorological (as it was) Office used to send co-operating
stations free copies of the MWR back in the "good old days" so I have
quite a few stored away somewhere. If you're over this side of the
Pennines I'll search for them. I think I kept mostly the annual
I agree, they were excellent, but have gone the way of all good things
in the Met Office. We also used to get long service recognition etc but
that seems to have disappeared. The last I had was for 20 years'
recording back in 1990, now they give the impression of doing us a
favour rather than the other way round. Who wants manual obs anyway. I
do it for love though, not reward!
Best wishes,
Copley 253metres, nr Barnard Castle, Teesdale, County Durham