Mean max 12.6º(+2.5)
Mean min 6.9º (+1.8)
Monthly mean 9.7º (+2.1º)
Rainfall 35.6mm (66%)
Sunshine 138.95hrs (190%)
2006 is the 3rd warmest November since records began in 1977
1st 1994
2nd 1978
*Point to note*
From my records it is interest to note that ALL warm Novembers were
followed by colder winters in one form or another.
Mean max 17.2º (+2.7)
Mean min 11.0º (+2.7)
Season mean 14.1º (+2.7)
*2006 14.1°c mean the warmest Autumn on record*
1999 mean 13.0°c (+1.6)
1978 mean 12.9°c (+1.5°c)
2005 mean 12.7°c (+1.4°c)
1995 mean 12.6°c (+1.3°c)
*Point to note*
Apart from 1999 all other autumns were followed by colder winters.
Rainfall 128.2mm (79%)
(Followed along the lines of George Booths format for this report)
Will my cold winter statistics come up trumps, time will tell ;-) If I
was a gambling man my gut feeling would be, regardless of GW, El Niño
and SST anomalies, we will see some winter action in 2006/2007. You
heard it first from me :-)
ps: I hope the Daily Express doesn't read this!
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net