[Edited so that in-line replies appear properly, in order]
Felly sgrifennodd :
Ron Button wrote:
wrote in message
Hi Guys and Gals
I am new to all of this and I have just purchased and installed a
WS3600 weather station.(the model is here
I have it all up and running but I am unsure how to go about publishing
real time stats.
Anybody with any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Yes - I think the Windows software comes in two parts. There's the
HeavyWeather program, then another program for uploading to the web. I
never investigated it though; I'm running Linux, and wrote my own stuff
based on the Open3600 suite.
You can see my live data at
What did it cost Mr T ?
351 Euros including P&P from Meteotronic in France.It is a nice piece
of kit.
To be honest, you've probably been ripped off. As I recall, mine was
around GBP175, in March 2005.
For further help, I suggest you subscribe to
Lacrosse_weather_stations in Yahoo groups.
Hopefully now you see why top-posting is a bad idea.
Adrian Shaw ais@
Adran Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Cymru, aber.
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Cymru ac.
http://users.aber.ac.uk/ais/weather/ uk