Good morning, everyone.
The weather over the Balkans has been predominantly anticyclonic over
the last -not few- days and this has been giving unseasonably fine
weather over much of Greece, apart from the wind prone areas of the
country, where the northerlies have been giving some rain and snow in
the mountains occasionally -but nothing too much.
While the coastal areas are enjoying this weather, inland things are
quite different with daily morning frost. There are some areas, like
Florina in West Macedonia and Serres in East Macedonia that have seen
no sun for ... just over 10 days now. The fog gives Florina daily
temperature maxima of 0-2ºC and an average temperature for December
running close to or just below 0ºC so far. Meantime, adjacent towns
-and hills/mountains!- are reporting daily temperature maxima of about
12-14ºC. High resolution satellite images show this quite clearly:
( or
Touch of rain or showers every day in The Netherlands and *far too*
mild for December.