Not too far down the road, (45mile) but always cooler,except in some winter
Farsley Leeds max 17.5 C. So I was a bit surprised at this max.
"Ken Cook" wrote in message
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote in message
Ken, this is bizarre. As far as I can tell, the original SYNOP gave
max of 17.4ºC, but a "correction" was subsequently transmitted
changing the max to 21.6ºC which was confirmed at 2100 by
the climat. report (hence its appearance in the various lists).
21.6ºC is manifestly wrong; 17.4ºC is clearly much righter ... and
I'm surprised there was no human intervention to correct the
"correction". I cannot for the life of me figure out where that
21.6 came from.
We're fortunate here in that Leeming has three other
observing sites within a stone's throw, and their maxes on
Friday we 17.6, 18.4 and 18.1.
Philip Eden
Hi, Philip,
Thanks for that. As you say, bizarre. I only hope that the info they
feed into their Tornado fighters is more accurate, as they are just
missing Copley at the moment. A Harrier did come down in a field two
miles away a few years ago, though!
Best wishes,
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