Glasgow December rainfall record broken already?
Philip Eden wrote:
Inveruglas (above the top end of Loch Lomond has had
over 1100mm of rain in the last 40 days ... I'm not sure if
I can have the statistics easily available but that sounds
extremely unusual for such a period.
StephenB may have some tables of max rainfall for
different periods ... Stephen?
The highest calendar month total I know of was 1436 mm at Llyn Llydaw
in Snowdonia in October 1909 = 46 mm/day. True extremes of multi-day
falls are almost impossible to come by, because of course most of the
gauges in the really wet mountainous areas are monthly-read, but I am
aware of 724 mm in 20 days 6-25 March 1981 at Waen Sychlwch in Dyfed
(36 mm/day).
Taking these two data points imply that 40 mm/day is certainly
plausible in the wettest locations over a 40 day period = 1600 mm. Llyn
Lydaw Average Annual Rainfall AAR is around 3300 mm, Waen Sychlwch
around 2600 mm; there are spots with 4000 mm/year average. But the
AAR at Inveruglas is 'only' around 2500-2600 mm, where 30 mm/day over
40 days is probably more realistic = 1200 mm. So yes, 1100 mm over 40
days must be running this quite close.
Is there still a daily gauge or logger at Sloy Main Adit I wonder?
That's about 30 per cent higher AAR than Inveruglas and might well be
approaching 1500 mm in 40 days. The monthly gauges on the mountaintops
will be still higher of course. Anyone have any contacts who could