What a bag of ****
I'd forgotten about the killfile option, but he's dead now
"philgurr" wrote in message
The message .com
from "Tudor Hughes" contains these words:
I can never understand why people get so hot under the
collar about Weatherlawyer's nonsense even to the extent of trying to
exclude his posts from the view of their delicate little peepers. He's
quite simply our village idiot so roll your eyes upward and pass to the
next post. No problem. Happy Christmas, all you purple-faced
killfilers. Hypertension is bad for you!
I killfiled this idiot a long time ago in exactly the same way that I
would turn off the television if I didn't like the programme. The man
is a troll and still many on this newsgroup will insist on feeding him.
My 'peepers' are certainly not 'delicate', I am simply exercising my
democratic right not to read something which I consider to be rubbish.
From the Kyle of Sutherland - 175 feet AMSL (NH616916)
(40 miles north of Inverness)