As one of the new viewer from Australia (not troubled by bushfires) in the
tropical far north Queensland I would be interested to know what forums you
use. 20 years at the UKMO might serve me well in temperate latitudes but is
not always proving of value here in the high latitude tropics (about 3000 ft
AMSL). Some local knowledge/experience would be of interest as the BOM
output does not seem to resolve the local onditions particularly well, I'm
guessing because the resolution of the model used is not fine enough or
resolve the the altitude particularly well. That and the lack of verifying
surface data to modify the model output.
"RWood" wrote in message
As an overseas viewer (NZ), I think I need to add my bit. While it's
true that one can blot out the likes of this odious troll, it's sad
that there are so many people like him. He is quite clearly an
ignoramus as far as meteorology is concerned, and continues to prove it
on a regular basis. I have met many people in meteorology over the
years, and can say that without exception that I have found their
company to be both stimulating and pleasant.
The "posters" on the NZ and Australian forums I visit all seem to be
pleasant, even when in disagreement with one.
On a brighter note, a happy festive season to all of you. Some of our
Australian freiends have a bit to worry aboput with their bushfires,
but there's a reasonable prospect of good rains if the El Nino decays
in the next 3-4 months, going by some case histories (but they're all
different of course!)
Col wrote:
"Tudor Hughes" wrote in message
I can never understand why people get so hot under the
collar about Weatherlawyer's nonsense even to the extent of trying to
exclude his posts from the view of their delicate little peepers. He's
quite simply our village idiot so roll your eyes upward and pass to the
next post. No problem. Happy Christmas, all you purple-faced
killfilers. Hypertension is bad for you!
I used to let him goad me into arguments and he was killfiled
for a time, if only to let me avoid the temptation to reply 
Now I've changed computers I never renewed his tenancy
in my killfile but the 'wind-ups' are easily spotted and inored.
Besides, if he wants to post normally, I'm happy to reply
to him.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl