What a bag of ****
Richard Dixon wrote:
Robb C. Overfield wrote:
You know what I wish for at Christmas? Peace and quiet from you mate. Am
I to be disappointed? Or can't even Santa work miracles?
I think he should use the festival period to bring some cheer and feed
needy people from the gargantuan chip on his shoulder about the Met
Office / BBC Weather / etc.
There'd be plenty to go round...
I object to my money being spent on second rate websites. It's the same
thing I objected to when I found that Tory B Liar had sent British
troops unprepared and under-supplied to a disaster.
There aught to be a means of redress against such wasteful
Is this it? Is this all we get? Usenet?
Peace and goodwill?
W A K E _ U P !