[WR] St Albans
BlankA hard frost overnight with a minimum of -3,8°C and the temperture is
struggling to reach 4°C. The sky has virtually no cloud apart from afew
contrails and a small patch of Cirrus so despite the low temepratures it is
very pleasant outside.
I am slightly surprised to see Philip Eden's comment about the pressure
being the highest since Dec 2001 since I saw a pressure of 1041.7 hPa on
the the 12th Dec 2005,;the pressure today reached 1041.1hPa. The pressure
today equaled that seen in Decemnber 2001. It could be that some calibration
drift has occurred with my weather station and I tend to regard the readings
as only being accurate to 1mb for that reason, in effect the pressures on
these three days are the same witin the accuracy limits of the weather
The pressure at the NPL at Teddington is 1040.2 hPa at 14:25 which is
identical to my current value so I have no reason to doubt today's reading.
Alan Gardiner
Chiswell Green, St Albans
101m ASL