[OBS] Romsey - Thursday 21st December 2006
Following a couple of quite sunny days (Tue&Wed),
Romsey has finally joined the foggy masses.
SYNOP 21/2050Z
03/// 41/04 90104 10004 20001 40440 52010 74544=
EG// 212050Z 01004KT 0400 FG VV/// 00/00 Q//// RED=
wind... N by E, force 2.
visibility... 400m.
weather... fog.
clouds... sky obscured.
dry bulb... +0.4C.
dewpoint... +0.1C.
RH... 98%.
sea level pressure... 1044mb (rising slowly... how much
further can it go?).
day max temp... +1.2C.
day min temp... -1.2C.
rainfall today... 0.0mm.
RMK... all surfaces are damp (no frost/ice at present).
beaufort letters (1950-2050Z)... ff.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)