airport fog chaos
"Will Hand" wrote in message
Why do people always seem to hype up the weather nowadays?
Modern weather is really very benign most of the time (as it often was in
past if we are honest), and then all of a sudden you get a Boscastle. This
is just run of the mill ordinary winter stuff. The main problem is that
is operating at 98% capacity and hence cannot cope with any interruptions.
with other aspects of our crowded infrastructure.
Reporters live at Heathrow on the main evening news from BBC/ITN last night
trying their best to hype everything up. One even asked "where does the fog
come from?" It's only in part a weather problem - more congestion related as
you say.
Overcrowding at Heathrow is caused by British Airways, who (for commercial
reasons) choose to operate just one long haul flight from the UK outside
London and therefore need to funnel nearly all their transfer passengers
through this crowded place. Also, a lack of suitable high speed ground
transportation between airports which results a rise in the number of very
short distance domestic flights. In this respect the fog merely highlights
the transport problems that the DfT/Treasury have failed to address.