airport fog chaos
On Dec 22, 9:54 am, "Will Hand" wrote:
Why do people always seem to hype up the weather nowadays?
Modern weather is really very benign most of the time (as it often was in the
past if we are honest), and then all of a sudden you get a Boscastle. This fog
is just run of the mill ordinary winter stuff. The main problem is that Heathrow
is operating at 98% capacity and hence cannot cope with any interruptions. Same
with other aspects of our crowded infrastructure.
The best point made so far. There is no room for anything
going wrong.. The same happens when half an inch of snow falls on the
roads round here - the whole lot just grinds to a halt. The traffic
just about flows acceptably if there are no hazards, weather or
otherwise, but if not then all movement ceases. The price of mobility
is often immobility.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.