The FAQ (and associated Glossary)
I have today uploaded the latest update to the FAQ & Glossary, and this
message is to announce that this will the last time I shall do so.
I can no longer maintain the FAQ to the standard I would wish for
reasons that I don't want to enlarge upon here. I will keep the various
pages hosted on my site for as long as I maintain the ntl account, but
will not perform any more updates, amendments etc.
In the life-time of this newsgroup (and near 10-year history of the
FAQ), the world of the Internet has changed out of all recognition. In
1996, UK-based web sites that held information, advice etc., on matters
of interest to the 'amateur' weather community were few and far between.
Now, we have many and varied sites with useful advice, and of course
Wikipedia is also available and popular. Also the advent of powerful
search engines has revolutionised the WWW, which applications both find
data very efficiently, and some (e.g. Google) store web pages for
all-time (or at least as long as we can foresee).
If anyone should wish to take over this job, then of course please do so
with my blessing: you can either lift the relevant pages from my site,
or I can burn a CD with the files for manipulation.
Thank you for all your help and support over the past years.
FAQ & Glossary for at:-